Do-It-Yourself Movies?

When chasing dreams, the solutions to catching them can sometimes seem implausible. But maybe implausible is the way to go. After all, you never know what might be hiding behind that door marked implausible until you open it and check it out.

Apparently, I’m not the only one to think so, either. Read the post to see what another indie publisher is doing that may seem implausible, but might just turn out to be the answer to catching that impossible dream.

The Let's Play Ball Blog

I bought my way into the publishing industry. I self-published three novels and paid a pretty penny for editing, covers, ISBNs, marketing, and all the other necessities. My next, far more improbable goal, is to see these stories made into movies. I wonder: is it possible to self-produce a movie if you’re not cinematically talented? Can you throw money at this problem, or do you need connections and know-how?

I’ve already begun this process by paying to have my books converted to screenplays by real screenwriters. If I should get serious about submitting those to various markets, I’ll start collecting rejections again, something I had hoped to be done with forever. However, there are film production companies that work with self-publishers, such as the vibrant Witness Pictures that partners with iUniverse. The company makes professional-looking book trailers that resemble real movie trailers, using actors and filmmakers whose talents are evident…

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About TA Sullivan

An author, writer, photographer, and fellow life traveler who offers her wit, wisdom, and stories with others who share her path, if even for a moment.
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